AtariBox console Teaser is Suspicious

The teaser video for the "AtariBox" has been making the rounds on the internet, ahead of E3. Not surprisingly, people are excited that a game developer that's been out of the console market for nearly 30 years might make its way back into mainstream circulation. Problem is, the teaser itself is about as informative as an American reality TV show; showing the the Autodesk Maya pre-rendered surface of what looks like an Atari 2600, with an LED back-lit logo.

With the supposed teaser comes more skepticism and conspiracy theories than the average post on A YouTuber named Artsy Omni isn't so sure about it. According to him, there are more than a few inconsistencies with things like the Fonts being used, the fact that the WHOIS information of the AtariBox website doesn't match the one from, and the likelihood that the landing page of was made using's website builder.

Ever since the Atari Jaguar sank the console manufacturer like a tomahawk missile into the front end of the Titanic, No one really expected the console manufacturer to make a return to the current generation, with current-gen games. There is still no evidence that it even is a current gen console. For all anyone knows, this is probably a retro console with an HDMI port. That is, if it is even real at all, which remains to be seen.

UPDATE: So it turns out that Atari themselves announced that the Ataribox is a real console. Click here to read more about it.

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