Flight Diverted Because of Smoking Samsung Tablet

Just when you think the Samsung Apocalypse ended with the Note 7, Several stories of other Samsung product disasters appear, ranging from the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime to the Galaxy S7 exploding in people's hands. We nearly had another Samsung product to add to that list, when a Galaxy Tab began barreling smoke, and emitting a strange smell on a flight from Detroit to Amsterdam.

The trans-Atlantic flight had to be diverted to Manchester, England, when the tablet got stuck between one of the folding seats, causing the it to burn the foam of the seat. When passengers noticed the smoke and the smell of burning foam, The flight made its emergency landing in Manchester, resulting in the seat being replaced. It would be two hours before the flight returned to air on its way to Amsterdam.

Samsung, in a statement to PC Magazine, told reporters "It appears that external factors contributed to this incident", adding that the incident wasn't related to the Galaxy Note 7 recall.
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