XBOX ONE X is the Most Powerful Video Game Console

Microsoft's latest Xbox One upgrade may look like a late 90's VCR, but it's improvements make it worthy of being the next generation of console hardware. 

On June 10th, Microsoft announced the finished project Scorpio to a crowd of E3 press. Shannon Lofti walked the crowd of onlookers through the specs of the Scorpio, in a segment that looked less like an E3 hardware reveal, and more like a Macworld event in the early 2000's. Dude came out in black sweat pants, and a black sweater, just to drive home just how hard they wanted to imitate Apple that night, when they announced the specs for the Project Scorpio.

Here's the specs of the Xbox one X's updated hardware. Though the specs were announced at E3 like they were something no one had ever heard about before, Digital Foundry had already leaked the full specs online months before.

  • Eight custom CPU cores clocked at 2.3GHz
  • 326GB/s of memory bandwidth
  • 1172MHz GPU - with 40 customized compute units
  • 12GB GDDR5 memory
  • 1TB HDD
  • 4K UHD Blu-ray disc player
  • 4K gaming support
  • VR support
 With specs like this, and the fact that the Xbox One X looks like someone stacked a Thesaurus on top of a dictionary and spray panted it grey, Microsoft seems to have built the console equivalent of a mid to low-end gaming PC built on the iTX form factor. On June 16th, PCworld writer Arianda Yee actually demonstrated how to build a similar PC with the same specs, that ended up costing about $150 more than a ONE X.

This vast upgrade begs the obvious question: What games will support this upgrade? With the update it has already, it mine as well have been called the Xbox TWO, but most games were built around the already existing Xbox One's hardware limitations. Will there be Xbox ONE X exclusive games? if so, why bother upgrading the old Xbox?

Image from TheVerge

The Xbox ONE X is being priced at a staggering $500 at launch, and despite the hefty price tag, Microsoft reports that the console is still being sold at a loss. In an interview with Business Insider, Head of Xbox Phil Spencer had this to say:

I don't want to get into all the numbers, but in aggregate you should think about the hardware part of the console business is not the money-making part of the business. The money-making part is in selling games.

When Shannon Lofti suggested there would be Xbox ONE X exclusive games, Microsoft quickly corrected that statement later on, suggesting that this was not the case. In a tweet by Aaron Greenberg tweeted this:

Great thing is with Project Scorpio as part of family all your games will work, no Scorpio exclusives, so no one gets left behind

Greenberg, then backtracked his statement, suggesting there would be VR Xbox ONE X exclusives; claiming that VR was considered separate from traditional console games.

Aside from Microsoft not getting its story straight about exclusives, Most of Microsoft's E3 conference was spent with publishers revealing VR versions of Xbox ONE X games, further contradicting the claim that there would be no ONE X exclusives.
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