Next Call of Duty Goes Back to World War II

Fresh off the heels of the disappointing reveal of Infinite Warfare, as well as its launch trailer having the second lowest rated video in YouTube's history, Infinity Ward has decided to take the franchise in a different direction, while also not doing that at the same time.

This morning on April 22nd, Activision revealed what was leaked a while ago, regarding the Call of Duty franchise going back to the world war II setting that its first game started in. The game will be called --not surprisingly-- Call of Duty: World War II.

Little is known about the game as of late, but gaming journalists and critics speculate that the news is an attempt to emulate the direction that rivaling first-person shooter franchise Battlefield took with BF:1, and it isn't hard to see why. Apparently, someone in Activision's management rubbed a few braincells together and realized that re-releasing identical games under different names for the third time will start to get a little disappointing after a while.

Sledgehammer Games --developers of the Advanced Warfare sub-series of COD games-- were tasked with the WWII development. COD is a brand divided by sub-series of franchises that each take on different themes, and Sometimes, entirely different development studios. For example, Infinity Ward produced COD: Ghosts and Modern Warfare 2, and the famous Black Ops series was headed by Treyarch.

Activision has plans to live-stream a reveal trailer on April 26th, because apparently, live streaming a trailer instead of uploading one is what's in right now.
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